Dating affiliate program and affiliate marketing business offering opportunities to make money through pay for performance accounts.
DBO provides a support service that helps affiliates optimize their campaigns. We value our affiliate partners and always go the extra mile to resolve concerns. Our team members want to help you earn the most money possible with our high paying affiliate programs.
Paul & John two friends, they have been making a very trustful network in the world. They change the face of online advertising for advertisers, publishers, and end-users. Active Affiliates in more than 40 countries. We provide campaigns of CPA,CPL,CPS,CPC,CPI, and CPM. We have some managers, they can help you.
Affiliate Network Details
Number of Offers50,000+
Commission TypeCPA, CPL, CPS, CPC, CPI
Minimum PaymentNo Limited
Payment FrequencyNet-0, Net-7, Net-15
Payment MethodPayPal, Paxum, ePayments, Skrill, PayPal, Payoneer, WebMoney, Bitcoin, Check, Bank transfer
Referral Commission5%
Tracking SoftwareIn-house proprietary platform
Tracking Link
Website JoinNow

Affiliate marketing conferences to attend till the end of 2019
DBO Group: Affiliate marketing conferences to attend till the end of 2019!
With technology development, now it’s easy to get any kind of knowledge without leaving a home. Many people become skeptical about the need for offline education in the modern world. This is especially true for independent-minded people. Like affiliates. But then why do we see an increasing number of affiliate marketing conferences out there? And why there are more and more attendees?
Because let’s be honest, a truly motivated affiliate will never exchange personal advice from an industry leader or backroom conversations with top professional community for a forum thread or popular online courses. On top of that, at affiliate marketing conferences you can
- keep abreast of the latest changes in your particular sphere,
- learn unobvious tips,
- get inspiration for what you do,
- make contacts with top professionals,
- get nice bonuses and discounts from companies
More than 30 affiliate marketing conferences have already passed this year. Among them world-known Affiliate Summit West and MAU in LA, London affiliate conference, and others. Don’t worry, if you did not attend them. There are plenty of others worth visiting.
Here’s a list of 12 wonderful offline opportunities to get acquainted with the best and brightest people in affiliate marketing, find creative ideas about how to increase your ROI and improve your personal brand.
Tips for affiliate marketing conferences attendees
Сonference attendance in itself won’t give you 100% results. Here we collected a few tips that will help you to squeeze everything out of the affiliate marketing events you’re going to:
- Fill out your social media profiles
- Get a business card
- Make a short-list of people you want to meet at the event. Make a thorough research on what they are doing and their successes. Find common points and formulate how you can be useful for them
- Prepare a general 30-second pitch for yourself. Be sure to include your name, occupation and the answer to what’re you doing at the conference
- At the conference write down all the information you find useful ( even if you have a phenomenal memory, you’ll forget it anyway)
- At networking sessions concentrate on meeting those high-quality individuals which names you wrote down in the second paragraph.
- Attend after-parties
- Follow up all the people you met at the conference take a look at other educational opportunities
Address : 198 W 21st St Suite 721, New York, NY 10016, United States
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